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Disposable Camera

Disposable Camera is the little sister zine to I am a Camera. I write it in one day, on a typewriter, without making any plans for how I will write it. I choose a certain number of pages to fill and roll them into the typewriter one by one.

DC_Night Drive

Disposable Camera #14, Night Drive.

A memory and a dream woven together in the present moment. Nighttime highway atmospherics.


Disposable Camera #13, Koala.

Memory objects and koalas real, artificial and imagined.

Disposable Camera #12, The Melbourne Issue.

In the centre of this zine is a large A3 map in which I try to document everything that has happened to me in Melbourne over 15 years and at least 25 visits. The story surrounding the map is from my most recent visit there, in which I wander around North Fitzroy at night and stand in the street listening to other peoples’ parties.

Disposable Camera #11

A fictional story about living next door to myself, a paean to the suburbs, with a map of Everysuburb in the centre of the zine.  Read a review of it here.

Disposable Camera #10

Annandale, goths, the Laughing Clowns, lounge rooms, wedding reception chit chat. Includes a fold out memory map of Annandale. Lino-printed cover and rubber stamped inside.

Disposable Camera #9

Genies, rabbits, how it feels to think. In the centre is a fold out colour thought map.

Disposable Camera #8

Wishes, the new year, fireworks, goths mowing the lawn, dandelions, lightbulbs. In the centre is a fold out map of wishes.

Disposable Camera #7

Hot Toddies, spices, parties, university tutors, the search for one large taxidermied Kodiak Bear called Frank.

Disposable Camera #6

My super power, shoes, rice, telephones, nightmares, pancakes, a man walking a pig.

Disposable Camera #5

Imitation mink coat, Macedonia, photocopiers, magic carpet, old diaries, bird call clock, novelty songs.

Disposable Camera #4

Rain, corner stores, ice creams, coffee ground fortune, punks.

Disposable Camera #3

Written in Berlin, hotels, tea, coughs, typewriters, roses, Prague, planetariums.

Disposable Camera #2

Pointless activities, chance, German, the Tall Dwarfs, the 70s, objects.

Disposable Camera #1

Erasers, vices, debris, To Kill a Mockingbird, packaging, memories.

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